Wemyss Bay Station – Gateway to Rothesay & the Isle of Bute
Since 1865, when the Caledonian Railway Company built its line with a ferry terminal, Wemyss Bay has become a well-known and loved railway station, forever linked to sailing across the Clyde, holidays on the beautiful Isle of Bute, fresh air, fun and relaxation.
The present station and pier were built just over 100 years ago, in 1903, by the Caledonian Railway Company, doubling the number of platforms and steamer berths of the previous structures. The architect, James Miller, and Donald Matheson, Chief Engineer of the Railway Company, were the men responsible for its design. An Edwardian masterpiece, it was the first of the Clyde railway piers to be built, and is now the last one remaining. It well deserves its Category A architectural listing, with its sinuous, graceful curves, and elegant glass canopies, still protecting passengers coming off the trains and heading down for the boat connection to Rothesay on the beautiful Isle of Bute.
This website is run by Friends of Wemyss Bay Station – a group formed in 2009 by local people who shared concern for the neglected state and appearance of the station, with the aim of reinstating the station’s traditional floral displays, and celebrating the power of steam!
Who are we? ||About the Bookshop and Gallery ||The Station Gardeners ||July 2016 – Station Restored ||A Walk Round the Back! || Bobby
MEMBERSHIP costs only £5 per Annum
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Alternatively you can make a payment via PayPal using email: info@friendsofwemyssbaystation.co.uk
NB: * Please add a note indicating that this is payment for FOWBS membership
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Sort code: 30-99-50
Account: 44348060 (This is a business account)
Contact Info
The Book Shop.
Wemyss Bay Station,
Wemyss Bay. PA18 6AR
Normal Opening hours
Monday – Saturday 10 am – 4 pm